Wednesday, November 21, 2012

African American Research at Family History Center in Kensington, Maryland

I love this video. I like the enthusiasm and the joy of the women who are finding information about their families. I especially like the way they LAUGHED about the "colored section" of the records.

Joining together to uncover history

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Genealogy of LDS Temple Record Keeping

The Saturday Seminars at the Riverton FamilySearch Library are always interesting and informative. On November 17, 2012 I attended the keynote speech by Ruth Maness, AG. She has worked for the Family History Libarary for many years and is a specialist in Scandinavian research. Her topic was The Genealogy of LDS Temple Record Keeping. She outlined the history of LDS temple work for the dead starting with work done at Nauvoo in the Mississippi River and in the Nauvoo Temple and going until the present time. Her presentation answered several questions for me. I know I will be checking a lot of temple work that has been done for my ancestors and their families. So the information that she shared will be very helpful. While I was at the Library I printed cards for temple work and I am giving them to grandchildren to get started performing the baptisms for the dead.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

KSL Story about Family Search and German Records

Here is a great TV news story about FamilySearch and how records are made available online for free.

KSL News Story

Unfortunately they misspelled "Genealogy."