Thursday, August 1, 2013

Langley Allgood Bailey cousin of George Allgood

This post was written as an email to the Drake Extended Family about our common Allgood ancestors.
I have learned some interesting things since I wrote the email about our pioneer ancestor George Allgood.
Leighanne forwarded the email to Patricia, daughter of Paulette Fefita, daughter of Ruth Allgood Larsen. She lives in Denver and her kids are going on trek this year. They were quite excited to learn about their pioneer ancestor and Patricia sent me an email to find out how they are related to George Allgood.
Patricia and I exchanged several emails. Then her kids went to a trek fireside and as soon as they got in the car after the fireside they asked her if we were related to an Agnes Allgood who was in the ill-fated handcart companies of 1856.
This is what I have found out so far. I did not find an Agnes Allgood. But I did find Langley Allgood Bailey age 18 who was in the Edward Martin Handcart Company of 1856 with his father John Bailey 49, his mother Jane Allgood Bailey 45, and his brothers John 15, Thomas 11 or 12, David 5. I have established that Jane Allgood Bailey is the sister of the John Allgood who is George’s father. Their parents are Langley Allgood and Elizabeth Wakefield. So GeorgeAllgood and Langley Allgood Bailey are first cousins. Obviously Langley Allgood Bailey was named after his maternal grandfather.
The Bailey family apparently settled in Nephi, Juab County and Moroni, Sanpete County. There are at least two Jane Allgoods. One is Jane Allgood Bailey and the other is her niece Jane or Sarah Jane Allgood the sister of George. She lived in Coalville and Emily knew her as Aunt Jane. I do not remember her married surname.
Langley Allgood Bailey wrote a journal and there are excerpts at the Mormon Migration web site Mormon Migration  and the Overland Travels  site Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel. To find them type Langley Allgood Bailey into the search boxes and then look at the lists of references that will come up.
I think the younger members of our family who are going on trek would be interested in the experiences of Langley Allgood Bailey on the trail.
I am interested in his entire journal. He later returned to Great Britain as a missionary. If he visited family during his mission and wrote about them, there could be some important genealogical clues. The next thing to do is to get access to the journal and to read it.
How about  if we have a “Family Book Club” and we all read Langley Allgood Bailey’s journal together?  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

George Allgood 1846-1909 Mormon Pioneer

This posting was written for the Drake Extended Family about our common ancestor George Allgood.

With Pioneer Day being next week, July 24th, I thought some of you might like to know more about George Allgood who was an official Mormon pioneer (came to Utah before the transcontinental railroad was completed). He is the pioneer that Grandma Emily Allgood Drake used to obtain membership in the Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP).

The year was 1864. He was 18 years old and came from England with his mother and his brother and sister. For details go to Mormon Migration and type George Allgood into the search box. You will learn the name of the ship and other interesting details. There are links to personal journals written by other passengers.

Then go to Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel type in George Allgood 1846 -1909 (dates optional) and you will learn that he was in the Joseph S. Rawlins Company. The wagon train started in Wyoming, Nebraska not to be confused with the state or territory of Wyoming.

There are some interesting experiences related in the journals. Here are just a few details.

In 1864 the Civil War was raging. So this group of immigrants had to contend with the war in addition to all the other hardships. 

The ship struck an iceberg at one point. The reason the ship went so far north was to avoid Confederate ships. Actually their ship was sunk by the Confederates on its return voyage to England.

They went up the Hudson River to Albany and then on to Buffalo and into Canada coming back into the U.S. through Michigan, traveling on many boats and trains.

The steamboat that took them up the Missouri River had been attacked by rebel "gorillas" a fortnight before they traveled on it. It must have been a time of anxiety.

They were surprised somewhat by the appearance of the teamsters who had come from Utah with their ox teams and wagons to take them to Utah. They had wide brimmed hats and bullwhips. (Maybe it was like seeing cowboys for the first time.) 

There was some trouble with Indians and with the U.S. Army trying to confiscate some of the oxen. 

In another source I have learned that they were participants in the Perpetual Immigration Fund. 

I encourage you to read the journals and letters of the Allgood family's fellow travelers.

And of course, you can also use these two web sites to locate information about your other Mormon Pioneer ancestors.

Happy Pioneer Day!!!

Love, Aunt Jeanette

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Indexing Training at Riverton FamilySearch Library

Yesterday a group of thirteen people from my ward attended FamilySearch indexing training at Riverton FamilySearch Library. We viewed a powerpoint presentation which explained the indexing program and then we each logged into a computer with our LDS Account usernames and passwords and did some indexing. Thank you to the staff of the Riverton Library for their help and assistance to get many of us started doing this important and interesting service.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Utah Genealogy Association Virtual Chapter Meeting

Last night I watched a virtual chapter meeting of UGA (Utah Genealogy Association). The speaker was Don Anderson, senior vice president of FamilySearch. He spoke about the Family Tree function of FamilySearch. It will be a marvelous program. I will gladly make the switch from He predicted that it will be fully operational and accessible to the general public (not just members of the LDS church) by the middle of February at the earliest and April 2013 at the latest. This will be a great tool for family history research. I am excited about the possibility to share photos and stories using Family Tree.