Saturday, January 19, 2013

Indexing Training at Riverton FamilySearch Library

Yesterday a group of thirteen people from my ward attended FamilySearch indexing training at Riverton FamilySearch Library. We viewed a powerpoint presentation which explained the indexing program and then we each logged into a computer with our LDS Account usernames and passwords and did some indexing. Thank you to the staff of the Riverton Library for their help and assistance to get many of us started doing this important and interesting service.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Utah Genealogy Association Virtual Chapter Meeting

Last night I watched a virtual chapter meeting of UGA (Utah Genealogy Association). The speaker was Don Anderson, senior vice president of FamilySearch. He spoke about the Family Tree function of FamilySearch. It will be a marvelous program. I will gladly make the switch from He predicted that it will be fully operational and accessible to the general public (not just members of the LDS church) by the middle of February at the earliest and April 2013 at the latest. This will be a great tool for family history research. I am excited about the possibility to share photos and stories using Family Tree.