Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ann Carter Fleming -- Your Genealogical Bucket List

My next session for Wednesday April 28 was by Ann Carter Fleming entitled "Your Genealogical Bucket List." See her web biography. Her NGS Conference speaker biography reads "Ann Carter Fleming, CG, CGL, FNGS, a former NGS president, is vice-president of BCG, a course coordinator at IGHR, and co-author of Research in Missouri.
I have not seen the movie The Bucket List but it sounds intriguing. I haven't written my genealogical bucket list yet either. To be honest, I was thinking more about the genealogical research of my father than my own during this lecture. I decided that his research will be preserved and that I will work with my family to organize all his materials and preserve them. This is the first item on my bucket list. The second item is to organize my own files.
Ms. Fleming suggests a three-step process:
1. Organize
2. Analyze
3. Distribute
These steps apply to documents, photos, books/periodicals and heirlooms.
Following her suggestions can be the most important thing I can do after attending NGS Conference.

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